August 2014 Lego Club Creations


We had another great meeting at the library! We celebrated August holidays – Ice Cream Day, Lemonade Day, Root Beer Float Day, Waffle Day, Creamsicle Day, and Chocolate Chip Day – are you hungry yet? Plus Sand Castle Day, Inventors Month, and Family Fun Month. We had a great time building “Favorite Places, Hidden Spaces”. The kids had some creative ideas of what constituted a cool hidden space, including buildings with booby traps and diamonds. We saw some of our young builders’ favorite spaces – campsites, boats and castles, a house on the beach, and even Hogwarts! After all that, we enjoyed some free building time.

Lego Club is moving to Mondays this fall, beginning with the September meeting. Our next meeting is Monday, September 8 at Leawood Pioneer Library. This event is nearly full, so register soon to attend!

2014-08-08 12.15.54Some of the creations the kids brought to show off.

2014-08-08 11.11.08Ocean with dolphins; two flowers

2014-08-08 11.12.56A private island

2014-08-08 11.13.31A cup of lemonade

2014-08-08 11.13.54A big work building

2014-08-08 11.14.25A root beer float with striped straw

2014-08-08 11.15.11BlurA dragon and a person

2014-08-08 11.15.43A sand castle with a guy

2014-08-08 11.19.47A rainbow palace with a garden (team build)

2014-08-08 12.08.37The best hotel on the block!

2014-08-08 12.09.53A waterfall with a cliff behind it, the water goes into a pond with a forest

2014-08-08 12.08.59A hotel, boat and castle

2014-08-08 12.10.51A secret building guarding diamonds with obstacles and traps

2014-08-08 12.11.28A pirate ship

2014-08-08 12.12.02Hogwarts with a greenhouse and a giant squid in the lake

2014-08-08 12.13.00A bench

2014-08-08 12.13.30The flag of Japan

2014-08-08 12.13.47A beach house on stilts

2014-08-08 12.16.25A multi-level house with a ladder


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