da Vinci at Union Station


2016-03-02 10.16.57

Today we visited the da Vinci exhibit at Union Station. The exhibit started with a short video about da Vinci and his life, then the curtain rose to let us into the exhibition hall. The hall was filled with full-size versions of creations that da Vinci drew in his many codices, including a number of items that the kids could try out. Though there were a few items that could not be tested out, the majority of the exhibit is hands-on, which the kids really enjoyed. Favorites included the wind tunnel where they could test out their flying cones, the model tank, the hall of mirrors, and the pulley system with the safety brake. The whole exhibit is very well done, and did a great job of engaging the kids as well as gave all of us a chance to see da Vinci’s ideas in action.

2016-03-02 10.19.27
da Vinci codices

2016-03-02 10.22.11
Wax hygrometer used to measure humidity

2016-03-02 10.25.09
Aerial screw

2016-03-02 10.25.45
Unified wing

2016-03-02 10.27.10
Kids testing out the pulleys

2016-03-02 10.42.03
Cone floating in the wind tunnel

2016-03-02 10.43.38
da Vinci’s Ideal City

2016-03-02 10.55.05
Example of da Vinci’s workshop

2016-03-02 11.15.49
A type of hammer

2016-03-02 10.46.10

2016-03-02 10.53.59
A pulley with safety brake

2016-03-02 10.56.08
A model tank

After the exhibit, some of the families moved on to Science City to continue exploring and playing.

Thanks so much to Union Station for bringing in this exciting exhibit!


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