St. George and the Dragon


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Today we attended the performance of “St. George and the Dragon” at Paul Mesner Puppets. This retelling of the children’s classic was lots of fun and full of the quirky humor and plot twists that are part of every Paul Mesner Puppets performance. The live music definitely added to the fun. We were all quite impressed with the musician, Pat Conway, and his ability to play multiple instruments at the same time! We also enjoyed the Q&A after the performance – the kids and parents learned quite a bit about how the show was performed, and how the various theatrical effects (echoes, thunder, earthquakes) were made.

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Puppeteer Mike Horner introducing the kids to the dragon and to Princess Georgette (aka George the Knight)

After the performance, the kids headed into the workshop to make their own dragon puppets. They had a great time making their dragons and personalizing them with details like teeth and fangs, wings, scales and so on.

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Getting started on their dragons

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One of the finished creations

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Another dragon

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A very cool dragon wearing sunglasses

Many thanks to Paul Mesner Puppets for a great performance, and to Flo for setting up the workshop for our group! We had a great time, and look forward to our next visit!


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