Our July meeting was a celebration of summer and we enjoyed lots of free building time.
July has all kinds of fun holidays – 4th of July, Circus Celebration Day for P. T. Barnum’s birthday, International Joke Day, Moon Day, plus it is National Hot Dog Month, Ice Cream Month, and Baked Bean Month – perfect for a month of outside time and cookouts.
As usual, our mini builds were all about July, and the kids had a great time building their favorite July things. Our theme build was based on outdoor fun – parks, pools and playtime, and segued into our free building time. One group of kids used the free build time to play their own game of Brick by Brick (and built a wonderful Lego town), while others built their own amazing houses, beaches and campsites.
Our next Lego Club meeting is Friday, August 8, and meeting dates through February are listed on our Lego Club Meetings page. Hope to see you there!
Mini Builds
Grasslands, Mountains, Clouds, Thick Forest, and Huge Skyscraper
Town with people underground for mining, Sky, Fireplace
Swimming Pool with Diving Board
Water Fountain and American Flag
Circus trapeze, Door with bucket of water trick, American Flag, Popsicle and Ice Cream,Hot Dog, Pool, the Moon, Baked Beans
Square Watermelon, Swing Set, Ice Cream Cone, American Flag
Dude Sitting on a Bench in the Grass
Swimming Pool with Diving Board, People Swimming and Floating
Beach, Seaweed around the Water, Shells and Seaweed on the Shore, Cactus in the Desert, Tumbleweeds
Fireworks, Pool, and Swing Set
Theme Builds and Free Builds
Swimming Pool with People Swimming
Garden with Swimming Pool, Two Trees
Hotel with Check-in and Roof Pool
Beach with Palm Trees, Umbrella, Person Surfing
House with Kitchen, Bedroom, Window Seat
American Flags, Harry Potter, House, Pool with Lifeguards and People Swimming, Staircase with Flags, Restaurant
House, Minecraft People, Lawnmower
House with Handle to Remove the Roof (1)
House with Handle to Remove the Roof (2)
House with Handle to Remove the Roof (3)