Our September meeting was a full and busy event! The kids had a great time exploring September themes – National Cheese Pizza Day, Literacy Day, Dog Week, Comic Book Day, Pancake Day, Teddy Bear Day, International Chocolate Day, Play Doh Day, and Talk Like a Pirate Day. The kids also built a variety of vehicles – balloon racers, gravity racers and all kinds of cars and trucks. We were so busy building that we barely took any pictures!
Mini Builds
3 Men, A Skyscraper, a Skull and Crossbones, and a Pit of Goo
A house and a tree with leaves changing
A tower with 3 cannons, a sun, and a cloud
Two dogs, chocolate on a tray, and pancake on a plate
Racers! Balloon racers, gravity racers, cars and trucks
Our fall Lego Club meetings are full, please check out our All Events page for other activities.