On Friday, July 10, we attended a hilarious performance of Jon Scieszka’s book detailing the “true story” of how the Big Bad Wolf was not so bad after all…or was he?
The performance opened with a short retelling of the traditional version of the Three Little Pigs story, then moved onto the wolf sharing his own version of what happened. Paul Mesner performed as A. Wolf, also known as Alexander, and the script retained all the humor and quirkiness of Scieszka’s book. As always, the inside jokes and puppetry pratfalls amused both the parents and the kids. Add in some rude and unruly pigs, a wolf with allergies and a simple request to borrow a cup of sugar to make a cake and you get a whole new look at A. Wolf and the Three Little Pigs. But was he innocent? It’s up to the audience to decide…