Though it was the last day of August, we celebrated our September meeting with some fun building! Our mini build theme was All About Fall – leaves, apples, harvests and bonfires. After the mini build, the kids were challenged to make a team and build a city, village or structures to go into a city or village. And of course, we had a nice free building time. Here is some of what the kids built:
A group of imaginary creatures – a lotad (creature that looks like a lilypad) made out of lava and rock; a shiny charisard, a ground on and a grovel.
A striped snake and a waterfall
A merry go round from the simple machines kits
A robot with laser guns, and the robot is also a house
A castle and an Eskimo village
A meerkat house that has sun and shade
A rainbow house with a yellow TV
A castle with Godzilla and a dragon
Happy building!

It’s fun seeing all the creations!