Best Christmas Pageant Ever!


TYA Best Xmas

On Wednesday we attended Theatre for Young America’s performance of “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” based on the book by Barbara Robinson. This now classic holiday book tells the story of the disreputable and disheveled Herdman children and how they changed the local church’s boring, staid Christmas pageant into the “best pageant ever!” The performance by TYA was well acted and all the majors characters were humorously portrayed (especially the Herdman children). The kids especially enjoyed the father’s refrain of “Do I have to go?” as well watching the Herdmans overrun the pageant selection process, and especially the gift of a canned ham given in lieu of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Overall, it was a great performance of a holiday favorite, and a wonderful live theatre experience.

Thanks to TYA for a fun event!


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