January 2016 Lego Club Creations


2016-01-04 11.51.20

We started the new year off with a free-building mini build time, then had the kids work on a theme build for the entire group! Our theme was a Lego city filled with different types of buildings. The kids were each given an idea of a building to create, then we opened up all the bins and they went to work!

Take a look at some of the creative things the kids built this month:

Mini Build
2016-01-04 10.42.45Waterfall (outside shot)

2016-01-04 10.43.54Waterfall with a statue inside

2016-01-04 10.44.36Minecraft

2016-01-04 10.49.21A pizza place with doors, windows and storage

2016-01-04 10.51.00A city

2016-01-04 10.52.09A light saber

2016-01-04 10.54.22Another light saber

2016-01-04 10.54.30Darth Vader’s light saber

Lego City

2016-01-04 11.21.46A house

2016-01-04 11.22.10Martial arts studio

2016-01-04 11.26.21A park (team build)

2016-01-04 11.28.52A bank with a customer getting money from the cashier and alarms at the doors

2016-01-04 11.33.48A flower shop with flowers inside

2016-01-04 11.34.30A library with books on the shelves and people using the computers

2016-01-04 11.35.41A tall building

2016-01-04 11.36.12A rocket

2016-01-04 11.36.21The Eiffel tower

2016-01-04 11.37.19A tall building with a flag on top

2016-01-04 11.38.02A house, pirate ship and rowboat for the pirates

2016-01-04 11.39.08A house with a desk, bed, kitchen, table and chairs, and a bookshelf with books

2016-01-04 11.39.32A house

2016-01-04 11.39.47A snowman building

2016-01-04 11.41.28The first floor of a skyscraper

2016-01-04 11.42.12A tall building with a chimney on top

2016-01-04 11.43.30A hospital with a helicopter on top

2016-01-04 11.44.10A lake and beach

2016-01-04 11.51.20Our entire cityscape

Thanks to all the kids and parents for a great meeting!


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