September 2017 Lego Club Creations


For our September meeting, we talked about how buildings look from the street versus from the sky, then focused on creating a cityscape that the hex bugs could run through.

Here are some of the creations the kids built in September:

2017-09-11 10.34.06
A waiter

2017-09-11 10.47.16
A flying machine

2017-09-11 10.49.29
A maze

2017-09-11 10.49.56
Another flying machine

2017-09-11 10.50.20
A house

2017-09-11 10.50.39

2017-09-11 10.50.55
A castle

2017-09-11 10.51.30
A sorcery book and two herbs for making potions

2017-09-11 10.51.58
A rainbow dragon named “Rainbow”

2017-09-11 10.52.59
A tower

2017-09-11 10.53.13
A water lifting pad for humans to walk on

2017-09-11 10.53.54
A person with food and a swimming pool

2017-09-11 10.55.24

2017-09-11 10.57.12
Black bear named “Lusa” eating berries off a berry bush; a tree with a rainbow trunk

2017-09-11 11.05.45
A rocket

2017-09-11 11.20.09
Caveman’s dresser and two tall towers

2017-09-11 11.27.20
Another maze

2017-09-11 11.28.10
A crane with a magnet

2017-09-11 11.28.47
A building that is a maze

2017-09-11 11.31.03
Building with Pokemon on top

2017-09-11 11.34.14

2017-09-11 11.35.49
A house and tree

2017-09-11 11.36.35
A city in ruins

2017-09-11 11.38.29
A house with a streetlight

2017-09-11 11.40.57
All the buildings put together to make our cityscape maze for the hex bugs


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