Monday was our October Lego Club meeting. We started with mini builds with a theme of fall, pumpkins and Halloween. Then we had a challenge build of Brick by Brick. The kids were given two scoops of bricks, and started a creation with 10 bricks, then passed it to the next kid to add 10 bricks and on around the table to see what they could create as a team. After the challenge, we explored shapes and shadows. For that, the kids were told to build a creation that would make an interesting shadow, and they definitely rose to the challenge!
Mini Builds
Guy dressed as a ghost, bucket of candy, a pumpkin and a witch
Guy dressed as a mummy trick or treating and a jack o’ lantern
Confused Minecraft world with ghost, scarecrow and a little hut
A pumpkin, the Plaza and a girl
Leaning tower of Pisa, a rainbow and a pumpkin
A person walking through a forest
Giant tank with a wall for a fence
Free Building
A super hero base with chickens and super villains
Happy building!

Wow! I love the shadows!